Provide In-Office Eye Care Solutions

Offer clients instant, affordable relief with Bruder eye care products You just diagnosed a patient with dry eye disease, a chronic disease that requires a lifetime of treatment.. They are probably experiencing a mixture of shock and relief as they process the diagnosis. Finally, something to blame for their chronic dry, itchy, tired eyes! This is crucial moment for you, the healthcare practitioner, to help patients understand the nature of dry eye disease, the wide spectrum of treatment options available, and to establish the doctor-patient treatment partnership. Educating and empowering your clients with in-office eye care solutions will improve treatment...
Comparing the Benefits of Different Treatment Solutions for Patients

Patti Barkey Addresses Doctors Treating Dry Eye “Dry eye patients walk through the doors of ophthalmology practices every single day. In recent years, we’ve been blessed with many new technologies that help us provide quality care for dry eye. On one hand, that’s fantastic; on the other hand, it means the practice must figure out how to put it all together and make it work to help patients,” writes Patti Barkey for Ophthalmology Management. Present Options and Benefits According to Barkey, “Patients will pay for what they want and what they believe is helpful to them. Therefore, it’s not our...
Improving Surgical Outcomes

Improve Surgical Outcomes by Preparing the Ocular Surface Before the Procedure. Surgical outcomes seem so directly correlated to the actual surgical procedure that it’s easy to neglect the importance of pre-op procedures. Many well- respected ophthalmic professionals have suggested that, what we encourage patients to do prior to their procedure has an incredibly profound effect on the surgical outcomes. By helping patients increase the health of the ocular surface prior to their operation, surgical outcomes will improve and there will be a decrease in complaints of dry eye symptoms after surgery. The Importance of Ocular Health Prior to Surgery This...
What the Doctor’s Are Saying about Bruder

The Bruder Moist Heat Eye Compress is a fast-acting and easy-to-use solution for the approximately 40 million people who suffer from chronic dry eyes in the United States, but you don’t have to take our word for it. Here is what medical professionals have to say about incorporating the Bruder Mask into their ophthalmic practices. “I have found the Bruder Eye Hydrating Mask to be invaluable for my patients and clinical practice. Warm compresses are critical to the success of managing lid margin disease. The use of an easy-to-use heat compress increases the efficacy of resolving symptoms.” -Paul Karpecki OD,...
Dr. Lindstrom Discusses ‘MGD Epidemic’

Is MGD being underdiagnosed? And thoughts on treatment. Richard L. Lindstrom, MD is the founder and attending surgeon of Minnesota Eye Consultants and Adjunct Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Department of Ophthalmology. He is a board certified ophthalmologist and internationally recognized leader in corneal, cataract, refractive and laser surgery. He has been at the forefront of opthalmology’s changes throughout his career, as a recognized researcher, teacher, inventor, writer, lecturer, highly acclaimed physician and surgeon, and member of Bruder Healthcare’s Medical Advisory Board. In 2017, Dr. Lindstrom facilitated a discussion with leading ophthalmic professionals about the prevalence of MGD,...